The Team Jackulator Forums The Soundboards
Pages: 1
w3baholic's Harrison Ford Board (unfinished) By: w3b Date: February 04, 2008, 12:09:58 pm
This is a pop-up style board of Harrison Ford.  I posted a much smaller board before but this is a different board all together really.

Re: w3baholic's Harrison Ford Board (unfinished) By: jackulator Date: February 04, 2008, 03:51:37 pm
I like that style - have to click twice, but also you keep the pop-up loaded until the mouse rolls out - great design
Re: w3baholic's Harrison Ford Board (unfinished) By: w3b Date: February 04, 2008, 07:31:18 pm
yes you can select more than one from the same sub menu without having to reopen.  The only glitch is if you scroll directly from a hello button to the yes trigger without closing the rollOver first. 

If I included some basic buttons (stalls) in the centere around a group of pop-ups it would allow time to access the other submenus without silence.  As we all know response time is everything in prank calls, that's why I made the buttons so large.  I don't like the Pop-ups were you need to hold the button down, seek a small line and release to activate the mp3.  When the pop up opens i'll change the "Hello" or "yes" to a red "open" sign so visually it's easy to see what's active and what's not.  Some see large pop-up buttons as a draw back but I don't think so, I only see it as an advantage, but then again, mega boards are new to me and really I know nothing, lol.  All i'll go on is what I think is functional and best. 

In any case, I appreciate any and all feedback. grin

Re: w3baholic's Harrison Ford Board (unfinished) By: metalboss44 Date: February 04, 2008, 08:28:41 pm
its lookin really good w3b, this is the kind of harrison ford board we need around here  wink