The Team Jackulator Forums The Soundboards
Pages: 1
April Ryan By: StuckInTheDitch Date: May 31, 2012, 10:07:44 pm

here's a first working version. It's got a few good clips on it but I'm not sure who you would call with it yet.

I've got plenty of more material where that came from, so it could get much bigger.
Re: April Ryan By: StuckInTheDitch Date: March 16, 2013, 10:31:47 pm
I suddenly got a weird hankering to get clips and work on this again. If I do it'll take a long while but I won't upload anything until it's something actually usable and good.
One unique thing about this is that using this soundboard they won't recognize it as somebody famous.

There's another game called Gabriel Knight, which is very similar to this game ((the Longest Journey) basically it has a lot of talking=good clean audio). It's main character is a man with a southern accent. It peeked my interest a little.