The Team Jackulator Forums Member Calls
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Joe Pesci A.I. dating (Experimenting with Skynet) By: metalboss44 Date: July 02, 2021, 06:16:28 pm
Sophie and her creators were back in the news not that long ago and I have been screwing around with this seeing what type of scary responses I could get. I intended on it being a series but she is pretty stubborn with some of the more exotic lines of dialog.

I'm back in all of my 240p glory. I'm keeping the aesthetics retro, guys, with clearly copywritten music to avoid monetization and also show my street cred. It's missing the LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE Comic Sans but I didn't want to push it too far.

Re: Joe Pesci A.I. dating (Experimenting with Skynet) By: cozbyroo Date: July 03, 2021, 06:21:06 pm
While she doesn't seem like the kind of girl you can get too far with, conversationally or otherwise, it's still somewhat interesting in a fundamentally creepy way. The way she says you can imagine how she is laughing right now, in response to Pesci's classic amusing clown question, I have trouble thinking of anything except the type of deadpan robotic "Ha. Ha. Ha." sort of laugh you'd hear from the earliest text-to-speech programs. Combine that with the retrospective stylings you've availed yourself of, plus actually seeing this kind of video pop up in my subscription feed, and you good sir have successfully taken me back about a decade or so ago, to the good old days of soundboard hijinks. Thanks for that. I sure do appreciate it, however minimal the effort.

Now, why not see how she would respond to jolly old St. Nicholson?  grin
Re: Joe Pesci A.I. dating (Experimenting with Skynet) By: metalboss44 Date: July 04, 2021, 05:51:05 am
Ahh thanks so much, it brought me back too making it. As the channel and content are mostly relics of the 2009 era silliness I find it humorous to make anything else that I put up on there indistinguishable from that stuff. I was always more of an idea person than anything else, so theres that.
Re: Joe Pesci A.I. dating (Experimenting with Skynet) By: metalboss44 Date: September 16, 2021, 03:08:50 am
Here is the De Niro sequel to this call