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Currently playing: Games thread By: metalboss44 Date: September 12, 2021, 02:55:00 pm
I know in these crazy times, between being busy, console shortages, even the general lack of quality and buggyness in new releases... not everyone keeps up with the new games on the market.
That said, old or new what is every-one playing these days?

I recently just dug back into some old school FPS games with Brutal Doom (Custom WAD for old school Doom games) beat Doom Eternal a few months ago and I can highly recommend it. Quake was just remastered and I played a spot of old school deathmatch recently as well as the new map pack, "Dimension of the Machine" which is decent. They did the same thing with Duke Nukem 3D not long ago with "World Tour", and it too featured a new map pack using the old engine, it was actually pretty great. Can also vouch for the game ION FURY.

Currently sinking my teeth into the game Breaths Edge, a survival style first person game with a narrative focus, as well as the game SOMA, which is a narrative focus horror FPS.
Re: Currently playing: Games thread By: metalboss44 Date: September 14, 2021, 04:45:43 pm
Was hoping to play Deathloop but it's exclusive to PS atm. Crazy how Zenimax/ arkane is owned by Microsoft but it's still a timed exclusive, I was hoping to see it on XBgamepass when I heard about it. DARN