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hope you guys are having as much fun with AI as I am... By: jackulator Date: June 23, 2023, 04:29:52 am
obiously there's DALL-E and a bunch of others.

but fucking hilarious pictures -- been having so much more fun with

it seems the best at creating human faces...  grin
Re: hope you guys are having as much fun with AI as I am... By: R2Bl3nd Date: June 24, 2023, 01:23:56 am
I've been having fun generating those AI celebrity voice videos:

And Stable Diffusion and Midjourney have been great for playing around with AI generated images. I have an instagram account with my stuff:
Re: hope you guys are having as much fun with AI as I am... By: StuckInTheDitch Date: July 01, 2023, 09:23:35 pm
shame I lost interest in prank calling and stuff cause seems like one could easily whip up a huge soundboard now-a-days with the help of AI; no more need to cut up audio from a movie.  T_grin10
Re: hope you guys are having as much fun with AI as I am... By: cozbyroo Date: July 04, 2023, 11:57:08 am
The soulless audio doesn't bring much amusement for me and there's something about the look of the images that makes me want to puke. The joy of man's desiring doesn't seem to be something one can program for a computer to replicate on its own yet.

But that shouldn't stop you from sharing anything you find funny. Maybe I'm just being a big old stick-in-the-mud and there's some combination I haven't thought of that could bring me round to liking the latest technological wonder of the digital world.

 Fat chance though. smiley
Re: hope you guys are having as much fun with AI as I am... By: metalboss44 Date: December 09, 2023, 09:48:32 am
Some of these pictures on my Instagram feed are really amazing but there is still an uncanny valley type of thing, like I can tell they are AI completely without them explicitly saying so. Some of the AI voices are convincing but just ever so slightly they are off. There's someone who posts aa bunch of Dominos store security cam pictures of people rolling around pizza, tossing them at the wall, one with a bunch of greek looking guys storming the front counter.

There is of course, people using the voices now in game chats. Wonder if they've made it to calling people. It's easier to click a sound than to have to type something on the fly...